
Ever struggled with jet lag?

Jet lag is caused when the sleep-wake and light-dark cycle shifts too quickly for the circadian clock in your brain to keep up, disrupting almost all biological systems in your body, and often making the start and end of any trip feel exhausting. 

On January 17, we celebrate National Lose the Jet Lag Day. As we start making travel plans for the year ahead, it’s the perfect day to learn more about jet lag science and how to “timeshift” to adjust more quickly to new time zones so you can experience more fulfilling and productive travel.

This day is sponsored by The United Family of Cards from Chase, which helps people get the most out of travel by giving them better experiences through card rewards and benefits.

On National Lose the Jet Lag Day, we acknowledge jet lag’s significant human and financial costs – from poor concentration and reduced productivity to less enjoyment and weakened immune function. According to United’s partners at Timeshifter®, the key to beating jet lag the scientific way is to properly time light exposure and light avoidance, which are the most important time cues for resetting the circadian clock. Coupled with advice on sleep and nap timing and optional caffeine and melatonin use, Timeshifter’s jet lag app which will help reset your body clock more quickly than normal so you don’t miss a beat when you travel. 

Let’s celebrate with Chase and United by learning how to avoid jet lag to make this an even more exciting and productive year of travel!


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